Is It Bachelor of Fine Arts or Bachelor in Fine Arts?

Bachelor of Fine Arts



The Available of Fine Arts (BFA) is a prestigious degree that will give y'all a wide knowledge in visual arts, multimedia, and design before you specialise in one studio area.

The iv-year caste is based inside purpose-congenital facilities and students savor existence part of a supportive customs of practitioners.

What will my written report involve?

Entry requirements

How exercise I programme my degree?

Subjects and courses

Career Opportunities

Tuition Fees

Contact united states

For the full caste requirements, see the Regulations for the Available of Fine Arts.

For study planning assistance, contact a Student Advisor.

For more data on facilities, resources, and staff, see Te Kaupeka Toi Tangata | Faculty of Arts.

For more than general information, email info@canterbury.air or freephone 0800 VARSITY (827 748).


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